
Man Trying On New Glasses At OpticiansAt TOTAL EYECARE, you are in for a treat. All our stock range* lenses and frame prices have been kept at low value.
This applies not only to single vision glasses but to all our bifocals and varifocals.

You pay ONE PRICE which includes both lenses AND frames.

No fancy gimmicks to make you buy two pairs with the so called “free pair included” to reel you in. Remember there is no such thing as a free lunch! Come and be pleasantly surprised at how affordable a single pair of spectacles can actually be.

We do not charge extra for spring loaded arms like most others do.

The majority of our single vision and bifocals glasses are COMPLETELY FREE ON A FULL VALUE NHS VOUCHER**.

In fact you will see that the majority of our frames are of this type. So why not come along and get real value for money. The only problem you are likely to encounter is which frame to choose from the range on display.

Designer versus “Budget”

Lastly, just to put your mind at ease, I have often heard my patients say that more expensive frames are better because they cost more. Well remember this; ALL frames sold in this country have to conform to both British and European Standards – from the humble budget frame to the most expensive pair you will ever find.

The difference? One has a fancy name on it and is keeping the designer very happy with your purchase. The humble budget frame does exactly the same job of helping you see better, but without the hefty price tag or associated baggage carried by its designer counterpart.

Book an appointment, or bring in your optical prescription after having your eyes tested elsewhere if you so wish, and come and see what bargains are to be had at TOTAL EYECARE.

We look forward to welcoming you to our practice, and hope you will see that having good sight and looking good is available to one and all.


Stock lenses are +/-5 Sph to +/-2 Cyl
Any lenses outside of this range are Price On Application.